Monday, March 30, 2009

Work With Your Hands.

Every new day the world fails more than the day before. Everyday the world smells more putrid than the day before. The economy, politics, religion, race, morality, hospitality, family life and virtue are all in a state of decline. Children in school are no longer allowed to act like children because their teacher wants them on medication. Teachers blame parents and parents blame teachers for the zombie child produced in today's world. Zombie medication that makes them behave. Attentive but hollow. Boys are no longer allowed to be wild or dangerous or competitive because they are trained to be nice and courteous. They are trained to be good little boys.

The workplace is even worse because there men are being neutralized and feminized. It is not even okay to be a hairy guy. There was a time when guys with long hair and beards rocked. Now its boy-band guys with frosted tips and waxed arms. I don't even know what frosted tips are. Men are waxing and tanning regularly. How often does a guy have to wax his arms in order to keep them smooth?Men everywhere are being neutered. Most guys go home feeling useless because they have not done any real work at work. Yeah, they might have sent some emails or made some sales calls, but nothing that involved getting dirty or sweaty like the men who work with their hands everyday. Road rage is not a disease or something that requires a pill. It is people leaving work feeling totally unfulfilled. Pissed off men who feel less than at work and are flat out unsatisfied. I urge all men to find a hobby. Build something, chop wood, fish, hunt, sweat, break something, swing something, get muddy or do anything that allows you to be manly. Occupations were simple in the beginning of all things. The men were hunters, fisherman, carpenters, laborers, and warriors because that is how they learned to survive. All men have a primal flame inside burning us up to be simple. Guys everywhere listen up. Start acting like men.


  1. You know, you may be on to something. I have dated guys that have office sort of jobs. At the end of the day, they were pretty cranky. Complaining about their day and frustrated that they had no power to fix the problem. Now I am with a guy who has a labor job. He comes home, takes a shower, and we generally have pleasant evenings. I guess all that hitting and banging lets out his frustration (for the most part)so he is free to enjoy the rest of the day. When he leaves work, he leaves his work there.

  2. The above comment was posted by me, Miranda. Amber is my sister. I didn't realize she had been on and not signed out until I had already hit post. I love it when she messes with my stuff-NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
